This weekend, for the first time, I took my Evolve Snubnose to Saint Augustine for a few skate sessions. The end result is that I am now the King of the World.
You’ll remember that on most days, I use my skateboard to go to work and back. It allows me to circumnavigate traffic, and saves me valuable time, while looking cool. But the University I cut through has Police. And those Police have nothing better to do than to pull me over for using the bike line.
In the back streets of Saint Augustine beach, there are no police. There are only kids on orthodox skateboard. Bikinis on bicycles. Hippies with surfboard. In the back streets of Saint Augustine beach, like Ponce de Leon so many years before, I claimed the land. I was the first to ride an electric skateboard there. I was the first to be truly great.
This really filled a void in my childhood. Being the cool one, who could go faster. The one who had something that nobody else had. Hell, that nobody else had ever even seen. Some asked me if it was electric. Others asked how much, or simply said that it was cool.
For the first time, I used the app MyTracks to log the journey. I found that it worked incredibly well. According to the app, I hit a top speed of 18.5 miles per hour! (and no, that wasn’t as fast as the board would go) All while dancing the cabbage patch, throwing my hands up in the Victory pose, as well as both Superman and Ironman flying position. Truly I tell you, Evolve boards are where it’s at.
After I got home from riding, I hit up their website. To my amazement, just after they’d delivered their new batch of boards, they updated the site. They now have people waiting on the next model. Man, these guys must’ve gotten their business ideas from Apple. As soon as you buy it, it’s old, because here’s the new one. Onroad/offroad combo with a board made out of Carbon! Damn you, Evolve, for making me want to buy a new board while the *cool* is still fresh on my new board!