So I’ve been making the commute from my new place for a few weeks now. If I remember correctly, I started off thinking my Bamboo Series Two would be the superior board. But then something happened, something that would change my perception of which board to skate on forever.
It rained. Let me elaborate. It rained one day, so hard that I knew there would be no realistic way for me to skate home. So I had to take the bus. Now although I’ve taken the All terrain tires on the bus before, it’s big and it’s bulky, and it takes up a lot of space. Having that board on the bus means you probably won’t have a hand free to use your cell phone or read a book. And I like to have a hand free to read.
I decided to leave the board at home. Which isn’t really all that big of a deal. I could always come back for the board later, with my car. Or else just take the bus to work the next day, and ride the board home then.
But then, at home, I found myself thinking about my Evolve Board as one might regard a loved pet. Was it okay? Would someone try to steal my board? Even, what if someone tried to hide it from me, like a prank? Was my board okay?
Maybe I should just drive back to work and pick it up. But I hate to drive after work, especially if it’s for just one thing. But I could drive if I was going to drive somewhere else, anyway. That would make driving more of a combination move than a trip *just* for my skateboard.
But then there’s this other issue weighing on my mind. That if I drive back to work to pick up my skateboard, I’ve just used as much gas as if I had simply driven to work. Not only that, but it’s a hell of a lot more inconvenient than simply driving in the first place. So what to do?
That day, I drove back for my skateboard. My co-workers on the night shift heard me cooing my skateboard, “Are you okay? I wasn’t going to leave you. No I wasn’t. No I wasn’t. You’re a good skateboard.” Okay, I admit, I’m a little weird.
But after that whole ordeal, I tried to skate with my Boosted Board. And it remains my go to board for commuting. It gets to work on two lights or less, which means it has plenty of battery and then some. But also, even if it's raining, the board is small and light enough to carry onto the bus without issue.
Maybe I’m being a little unfair to the Evolve board. I’m thinking more and more that I really have to put the orthodox wheels on the Evolve board. That would likely solve its battery issues and give it a new lease on life. It would also make it much more useable for commuting to work and back. Although it would still have the issue of not having the precision braking that I’ve come to expect from an electric.
Another thing happened. Because the next day at work, it rained again. This time, I had the Boosted Board with me. So I wound up taking the bus. But while on the bus, the rain intensified. I found myself cursing because I had brought neither a bag for the board, nor an umbrella for me. As soon as I stepped off of the bus, I was soaking wet. When I got home, I was shocked to find I had made a terrible mistake. I had left my backpack unzipped. Water had gotten into my backpack and killed my Chromebook. Balls.
But the good news is that my Boosted Board, which was being held in my hands the entire time, and thus, got way more wet, that little piece of high end electronics made it through the water without incident. I’m just saying. Boosted, 1, Chromebook, 0.