Sunday, July 19, 2015


Long time, no see, all you electric skateboard enthusiasts. How have you been?

Have I got news for you. the first, most important thing I’ve learned, is that the LecDec is here. What a great name that is. But what makes the LecDec worth typing about is the price. This electric skateboard is only $400. That’s right. We’ve reached price parity with a PlayStation 4. This is the time, my friends, when your average neighborhood kid can afford one of these lovely new toys.
Now I don’t want to act like I have the inside scoop on this board. Because I don’t. But I am a member of the Evolve group on Facebook. If you’re not in that group, run, don’t walk, to like that page, because that is an incredible resource for people like us.
So even though I’ve never even *seen* the LecDec, I think it’s safe to say that the board is going to be two things in addition to cheap: loud and slow. It’s pretty much the only way such a board can maintain that kind of distance, is to go slow. Now there’s nothing wrong with going slow. In fact, I like the idea, because that means the board that most neighborhood kids can afford will be one that I can skate circles around.
So it looks like it’s available in the UK. If anyone has actually rode the thing, please hit me up @maulakai and let me know what you think.
In other, more personal news, I’ve just moved. Closer to work, in fact. But the kicker is that the skate to work is now actually more difficult. It’s funny how little details like a speed bump that you can’t skate around can really change the vibe of the commute.
But in a way I’m happy for the move. Because in my city, the whole damn place is under construction all at once. They managed to have nearly two of the three miles of my old commute under construction, making it a much less fun skate. At least for the moment.
That considered, you’d think my new route, an even shorter distance, would be ideal for a commute. I mean, it travels along a bike path, for gosh sakes. But it’s not. Because of those damn speed bumps, and because of the way the bike path takes a few very sharp turns, and gets cut by major roads. I still haven't actually done the commute, but I’ll definitely be using my all terrain Bamboo Series Two for it. I’m sure making the commute with my Boosted would only wind up scratching the bottom.
Also, my new bus route will take me right to work. But the walk to the bus is a few blocks, with some up hill. So maybe, if I learn to hit the bumps just right the Boosted, it could be a good way to pop on down. We’ll figure it out. Until then, may you ride more than you carry.


  1. Do you know where to buy it in the UK? I am from London. And the lecdec website looks dodgy

  2. Do you know where to buy it in the UK? I am from London. And the lecdec website looks dodgy

  3. Hi. Thanks for your Blog post about LecDec. Firstly the board travels at speeds close to 20 mph so it is not slow and I ride it almost daily so I know this for a fact. It is also not loud, sure there is a noise but just enough to let people know in front to move out of the way, so it's a good thing.

    Also the price is actually £400 GBP so that works out at around $626 USD at the time of writing.
